
Teaching: 5 min
Exercises: 0 min
  • How can we create large-format academic posters using LaTeX?

  • See how the a0poster and baposter classes can be used to create posters

For BSc projects and other courses, as well as in research, you will need to produce academic posters presenting your work. LaTeX has classes and packages to assist with this; however, some of the beauty of LaTeX’s automatic layout is lost with these, due to the very different requirements of laying out text on such a large canvas.

For this reason we will generally want to work with a pre-prepared layout and design for a poster. While the a0poster class comes built into LaTeX, you could consider using Brian Amberg’s baposter class, which can be found here. Various example posters are included which you can base your own design around.

Whatever class you use, you should look up how to set the paper size; for BSc projects and other assessed posters we will be using A1 sized posters, while for conference poster sessions you more frequently want A0 sized posters.

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