ExaTEPP Lattice Developments

Ed Bennett

from work with Niccolò Forzano, Ryan Hill, Julian Lenz, Alessandro Lupo, et al.

ExaTEPP Workshop, Edinburgh, 2024-01-23

Slides: https://edbennett.github.io/exatepp-talk-20240123CC-BY

Swansea University logo SA2C logo Supercomputing Wales logo European Regional Development Fund logo Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council


  • Lattice introduction
    • Methods
    • Software
  • Work to date
    • Grid Sp(2$N$) integration
    • DiRAC technical assessment
    • H100 benchmarking
  • Ongoing work
    • Grid BSM benchmarks
    • Continuous benchmark


  • Lattice
    • Has a wide software ecosystem
    • Requires a lot of resources
  • We have
    • Integrated changes for Sp(2$N$) into Grid
    • Assessed code performance on problems of interest
    • Found H100+SXM+NVLink much faster thann H100 PCIe
  • We will
    • Develop a SOMBRERO-like benchmark in Grid
    • Continue to optimise Grid Sp(2$N$) performance
    • Upgrade SOMBRERO to support CUDA, explore SYCL
    • Use more robust infrastructure for continuous benchmarking

Thank you