This lesson is being piloted (Beta version)

Performant Numpy: Glossary

Key Points

  • Numpy comprises primarily compiled, explicitly-typed code, which allows optimisations that can’t be done for Python’s interpreted, implicitly typed code

  • Avoid Python loops and using whole-array functions to get better performance

  • Using compiled code will frequently improve performance over Numpy. This can be done in a compiled language, or by using Numba on Python code.

Whole-array operations
  • Numpy will broadcast operations to all elements, and has many functions to implement commonly-performed tasks across arrays

  • Conditionals can be recast as array masks, arrays of true/false values

  • Use numpy.einsum for more complex array multiplications and reductions, but only where the performance boost is worth the reduced readability

  • Numpy automatically expands smaller arrays to match the shape of larger ones

  • Axes are read right to left, and must be either the same size or size 1

  • Where one array has more dimensions, the smaller array is interpreted as having size 1 on the additional axes

Custom ufuncs
  • Use the @vectorize decorator to turn elemental functions into ufuncs

Generalised ufuncs
  • Use the @guvectorize decorator to turn elemental functions into generalised ufuncs

  • Both a signature (showing datatypes and dimensionalities) and a layout (showing relationships between indices) are required

  • Explicitly initialise the output array within your generalised ufunc where possible

Compiling regular functions with Numba
  • Use the @jit decorator to just-in-time compile plain Python functions (operating on Numpy arrays or otherwise)

  • Use the nopython=True argument to @jit to raise an error if something can’t be compiled, so you know to fix it to get maximum speed
