This lesson is being piloted (Beta version)

Hardware and software design


Teaching: 20 min
Exercises: 5 min
  • What aspects of Python’s design prevent it running as fast as we might want?

  • What aspects of computer and supercomputer design allow us to work around this?

  • Understand why Python code often runs more slowly than equivalent code in other languages, so that these can be mitigated

  • Understand how high performance is typically obtained from programs on HPC facilities

Characteristics of Python

Python is an incredibly popular, powerful, and easy-to-use programming language. Unfortunately, its popularity and ease-of-use are in many parts due to design trade-offs that it has made that reduce its performance, or make it more difficult to make go faster.

Compiled and interpreted languages

Programming languages are frequently divided into two categories: compiled languages, and interpreted languages. Interpreted languages, such as Python, supply a program called an “interpreter”, which reads input files line-by-line and translates them into instructions that the computer knows how to execute. Once a line has been executed, the interpreter then finds the next line, and translates that.

Compiled languages, on the other hand, supply a program called a “compiler”, which translates the entire program into machine code at once, and then the program can be run directly with no further intervention. This removes a significant amount of overhead from running the program, since translating the program to machine code has already been done. C, C++, and Fortran are examples of compiled languages.

Explicit and implicit typing

In some languages, like C, all variables must be told what data type they hold. For example, some might hold integers or floating-point numbers, and others may hold arrays of these. Similarly, functions must declare what types they expect to be given, and what types they will return; for example, the exponentiation function might take two floating-point numbers and return floating-point number.

In Python, on the other hand, this is not necessary. Variables automatically pick up their type when they are created, and functions will operate on any type of data they are given (at least until they encounter some behaviour that doesn’t work, at which point they will generate an error). (This is called “duck typing”—if a variable looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, and those are the only requirements that the function places on its arguments, then as far as that function is concerned then the variable is a duck, even if on closer inspection it turns out to be a cardboard cutout of a duck with a duck impressionist hiding behind it!)

This has two consequences. Firstly, every value needs to carry around with it information about what type it is. In an explicitly typed language, this could be attached to the name, instead, significantly reducing the volume of data stored in a particular variable. Secondly, functions—even very small internal utility functions—need to be able to operate on any kind of data thrown at them. For example, consider the function:

def add_two_numbers(x, y):
    return x + y

If x and y are both integers, or both floating-point numbers, then this function becomes a single processor instruction. However, in Python, the function must first check the labels of x and y to find out what types they are, then look to see whether it knows how to add those two types, then unpack the numbers stored inside and pass them to the CPU to add together. This overhead is easily tens if not hundreds of times the time it would take to do the single instruction in an explicitly typed, compiled language.

As such, one aim when trying to make Python go faster is to have as little code as possbile executed by the standard Python interpreter, and instead find other ways to execute things that will have less overhead.

The Global Interpreter Lock

A common way to gain speed in many languages is to use multiple “threads” to allow a program to operate in parallel. However, this comes with some dangers, since different threads can interfere with each others’ operation. In an interpreted language like Python, this is especially complicated, since entire functions could change between when the program decides to run it and when it is actually run. To avoid these kinds of risks, Python (more specifically, the most common Python interpreter, CPython) uses a “Global Interpreter Lock”, to ensure that only one thread is allowed to be actively running at a time. This means that in most computational softwaer, there is no performance increase to be gained from using multiple threads within Python. Instead, other methods need to be used in order to run in parallel.

High Performance Computing Hardware

Modern computers and supercomputers have a variety of hardware enhancements that allow them to go faster. To start from the smallest scales and work upwards:

Vector units

We tend to think of CPUs as acting on single variables at a time, and write programs in those terms. For example, for the loop:

for i in range(1000):
    z[i] = a * x[i] + y[i]

then this would expand as:

z[0] = a * x[0] + y[0]
z[1] = a * x[1] + y[1]
z[2] = a * x[2] + y[2]
z[3] = a * x[3] + y[3]

However, most processors can now in fact do multiple of these operations at a single time. Provided that all elements are the same type, then depending on the processor and data type, then 4, 8, or even 16 iterations of this loop can happen at a single time.

Compare the execution of a loop element-by-element sequentially: An illustration of a loop happening sequentially

with the execution of a vectorised loop: An illustration of a vectorised loop

The vectorised loop can be up to $N$ times faster, where $N$ is the number of elements that fit into the processor’s vector units.

Plain Python loops cannot be vectorised, since elements of a list aren’t guaranteed to be the same type, and aren’t laid out in memory correctly (due to the wrapping that they have to indicate their type). So in order to get access to the performance of the vector units, we need to use something other than plain Python loops.

CPU cores

The days when CPUs had a single core that operated sequentially are long gone; even mobile phone and Raspberry Pi CPUs are now multi-core. If we want our programs to utilise the full performance that the CPU has to offer, then it must be parallel—i.e. it must be able to perform multiple pieces of work at once.

While one way to achieve this is simply to run multiple programs on a single CPU, one per core, this is not always optimal. Frequently, each program may need more than its share of the bandwidth available between the CPU and the system RAM, and so all will run slowly. By parallelising a single application instead, this memory use can be optimised so that the different cores co-operate better, and are able to run faster as a result.


Many computers and supercomputers now have GPU accelerators, which can run certain kinds of software many times faster than a similarly-priced CPU can. However, since these are special-purpose devices that can only perform a limited range of operations compared to a CPU, they cannot run Python code directly; they can only run compiled machine code, and transferring data and instructions is sufficiently slow that compiling instructions on the CPU and transferring them to the GPU to execute does not lead to any performance improvement.

In order to take advantage of GPUs from Python, specific libraries must be used that know how to utilise them. These may be libraries that target one specific class of problem and know how to solve them using GPUs, or they may be able to compile Python code directly to be runnable on the GPU. An example of the former would be Tensorflow, which provides very efficient machine learning algorithms that run on the GPU; an example of the latter would be Numba, which will be covered later in this lesson.


Sometimes no matter hard you try, you cannot get the performance you need for your application from a single node, and instead need to parallelise to multiple nodes. In most supercomputers, nodes are linked together with a high-speed network (also referred to as an “interconnect” or a “fabric”), which is important when multiple nodes are cooperating on the same problem. Most problems have at least a little coupling between different parts, and so the slowdown that would be seen by using a more conventional network like Ethernet for communications between the parts would mean that the program would slow down so much that running on a single node would be quicker.

Key Points

  • Python is an implicitly-typed, interpreted language, meaning that we must do work to overcome this to gain performance comparable to compiled, explicitly-typed languages.

  • Python has a Global Interpreter Lock, which allows performant single-threaded code at the expense of multithreading performance

  • Typically, performance is gained from efficient use of available vector units, CPU cores, accelerators such as GPUs, and nodes. We need to ensure that we don’t accidentally stop our programs making use of these if we want to get optimal performance.