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Numpy (and Scipy)


Teaching: 50 min
Exercises: 25 min
  • How can I use Numpy to go faster on a single core?

  • To what extent can Numpy exploit multiple cores?

  • What can Scipy do to help in all this?

  • Understand how Numpy can give better performance than plain Python and when to use it

  • Be able to apply Numpy to multidimensional array problems

  • Understand when to look at Scipy for solutions

Earlier this morning we discussed how one source of overhead in Python is that it needs to store a whole lot of metadata about what data type it is, among other things. This gets worse when we start storing lots of data in a single data structure. For example, to store a 1000×1000 grid of values, this would require a list of lists, with a million total elements, each with more metadata than data. This is in part because lists can store any kind of data, not only data of the same type. But most frequently when dealing with these large objects, the values will in fact all be the same sort of data. It would seem prudent to try and find a data structure that doesn’t need all of this extra metadata on every value, and instead stores it once for the entire object. Python comes with this built in; it is called an “array”. Unfortunately, Python arrays aren’t especially useful—they store the data efficiently, but don’t give many useful operations on them, and so the community has developed an alternative.


Numpy (short for Numerical Python) has the answer. Numpy provides a data structure called an ndarray (short for N-dimensional array). Unlike Python arrays (which must be one-dimensional, like lists), ndarrays can have any number of dimensions, making them useful for all kinds of data. Numpy also provides a large number of functions that do useful things to arrays. (If you have followed the Software Carpentry Python lesson, you have already encountered Numpy, as it is used there to load data from text files.)

You might recall from earlier in the morning that one of the properties of Python that limits performance is that when doing operations on sequences of numbers, the data type metadata means that the processor can’t efficiently vectorise the computation. Now, since ndarrays remove the metadata, one would expect that the operations can now be vectorised, and so would run faster.

Let’s compare the list comprehension from the previous episode to the equivalent Numpy functions.

$ python -m timeit 'x = [i**2 for i in range(1000)]'
$ python -m timeit --setup='import numpy as np' 'x = np.arange(1000) ** 2'


You’ll notice above that the numpy module has been imported as np. This is a very common convention when using Numpy in Python; it has the advantage of significantly reducing the amount of typing needed to use Numpy functions.

The arange function is the Numpy equivalent of Python’s range, with some extra functionality. Unlike range, which returns a generator, arange returns an ndarray. Depending on your computer, you may see that the second version here is around 100 times faster than the first. This is clearly not just vectorisation—the most speedup you’d expect there is around 8×. Instead, Numpy implements operations across the whole array with high-speed loops in a compiled programming language, rather than using Python’s slower loops.

Broadcasting and whole-array operations in Numpy

This highlights one of Numpy’s most powerful features. In Numpy, operations on arrays are applied to the whole array, element-wise. For example, in the example above we squared an array; this returned the array containing the squared numbers—the numbers being the same as those generated in the list comprehension. The single number to the right of the ** has been broadcast to act on all the elements in the ndarray.

This also works with arithmetic operations between arrays. You can, for example, add two arrays together, or multiply their elements, and Numpy will perform the operations as efficiently as it knows how.

The key point is that the operations must be these whole-array or broadcast operations in order to gain this speed. If you try to use a normal Python for loop over elements of an ndarray, this will most likely perform even slower than the equivalent loop over a Python list, since Numpy needs to do some extra bookkeeping compared to Python.

Let’s look at another example, and see how we can use whole-array operations to improve its performance. The Euclidean distance between two vectors $p_i$ and $q_i$ in an $N$-dimensional space is given by:

\[D(p, q) = \sqrt{\sum_{i=1}^{N} \left| p_i - q_i \right|^2}\]

If we hadn’t heard of Numpy, we might treat $p_i$ and $q_i$ as lists, and use the following function to calculate the distance:

def naive_dist(p, q):
    square_distance = 0
    for p_i, q_i in zip(p, q):
        square_distance += (p_i - q_i) ** 2
    return square_distance ** 0.5

Let’s save this function in a file, and time it for some example 1000-element vectors.

$ python -m timeit --setup='import dist; p = [i for i in range(1000)]; \
    q = [i + 2 for i in range(1000)]' \
    'dist.naive_dist(p, q)'
1000 loops, best of 3: 299 usec per loop

How might we do this with Numpy? Well, we know that Numpy can subtract and square whole vectors at once, so let’s take advantage of that. It also offers a whole-array function for a summation (the sum function).

import numpy as np

def simple_numpy_dist(p, q):
    return (np.sum((p - q) ** 2)) ** 0.5

Add this function definition to the file we just made. To time this, we need to do the setup with Numpy rather than with list comprehensions, since otherwise Python will complain when it tries to subtract two lists. We’ll use arange here to generate a some test data, but the performance should be the same no matter how the input data are generated, provided the data type is the same.

$ python -m timeit --setup='import dist; import numpy as np; \
    p = np.arange(1000); q = np.arange(1000) + 2' \
    'dist.simple_numpy_dist(p, q)'
100000 loops, best of 3: 9.96 usec per loop

This is a factor of thirty improvement, but can we do better? Since the length of a vector is a very common operation, Numpy in fact provides a built-in function for it: np.linalg.norm. Using that:

def numpy_norm_dist(p, q):
    return np.linalg.norm(p - q)

Adding this to and timing it again reveals:

100000 loops, best of 3: 7.34 usec per loop

That’s a 26% improvement on the previous case, and a 41x improvement on the original naive code!

Multiple dimensions

For one-dimensional arrays, translating from naive to whole-array operations is normally quite direct. But when it comes to multi-dimensional arrays, some additional work may be needed to get everything into the right shape.

Let’s extend the previous example to work on multiple vectors at once. We would like to calculate the Euclidean distances between $M$ pairs of vectors, each of length $N$. In plain Python we could take this as a list of lists, and re-use the previous function for each vector in turn.

def naive_dists(ps, qs):
    return [naive_dist(p, q) for p, q in zip(ps, qs)]

Adjusting the timing code to create a list of lists now:

$ python -m timeit --setup='import dist; \
    ps = [[i + 1000 * j for i in range(1000)] for j in range(1000)]; \
    qs = [[i + 1000 * j + 2 for i in range(1000)] for j in range(1000)]' \
    'dist.naive_dists(ps, qs)'
10 loops, best of 3: 311 msec per loop

Now this is starting to be some more serious lifting—almost a third of a second per iteration.

Moving this to Numpy, we can subtract as we did previously, but for the summation, we need to be able to tell Numpy to leave us with a one-dimensional array of distances, rather than a single number. To do this, we pass the axis keyword argument, which tells Numpy which axis to sum over. In this case, axis 0 controls which vector we are selecting, and axis 1 controls which element of the vector. Thus here we only want to sum over axis 1, leaving axis 0 still representing the vector of sums.

def simple_numpy_dists(ps, qs):
    return np.sum((ps - qs) ** 2, axis=1) ** 0.5

To test the performance of this, we need to generate the same sample data we previously used. Rather than trying to build up the array element by element, it is more efficient to build it as a list, and then convert the list to an array with np.asarray().

$ python -m timeit --setup='import numpy as np; \
    import dist; \
    ps = np.asarray([[i + 1000 * j \
                      for i in range(1000)] \
                     for j in range(1000)]); \
    qs = np.asarray([[i + 1000 * j + 2 \
                      for i in range(1000)] \
                     for j in range(1000)])' \
    'dist.simple_numpy_dists(ps, qs)'
100 loops, best of 3: 3.29 msec per loop

Once again we’ve achieved almost a 100x speedup by switching over to Numpy. What about the norm function we tried previously? This also supports the axis keyword argument.

def numpy_norm_dists(ps, qs):
    return np.linalg.norm(ps - qs, axis=1)

Timing this gives:

100 loops, best of 3: 4.65 msec per loop

Unlike the 1-dimensional case, using the dedicated norm function provided by Numpy is slower here than the explicit computation! As you can see, it’s always important to test your improvements on data that resemble those that you will be performing your computation on, as the performance characteristics will change from case to case.

Numpy does have one more trick up its sleeve, however…


The problem with these more complex cases is that we’re having to use optional arguments to np.sum and np.linalg.norm. By necessity, Numpy can’t optimise all cases of these general functions as well as it would be able to optimise the specific case that we are interested in.

Numpy does give us a way to express an exact reduction that we would like to perform, and can execute it in a highly optimised way. The function that does this is np.einsum, which is short for “Einstein summation convention”. If you’re not familiar with this, it is a notation used in physics for abbreviating common expressions that have many summations in them.

np.einsum requires as arguments a string specifying the operations to be carried out, and then the array(s) that the operations will be carried out on. The string is formatted in a specific way: indices to look up (starting from i, j, k, …) are given for each array, separated by commas, followed by -> (representing an arrow), and then the indices for the resulting array are given. Any indices not on the right-hand side are summed over.

For example, 'ii->i' gives a one-dimensional array (or a vector) containing the diagonal elements of a two-dimensional array (or matrix). This is because the $i$th element of this vector contains the element $(i, i)$ of the matrix.

In this case, we want to calculate the array’s product with itself, summing along axis 1. This can be done via 'ij,ij->i', although the array will need to be given twice or this to work. Because of this, we’ll need to put the difference array into a variable before passing it into np.einsum. Putting this together:

def einsum_dists(ps, qs):
    difference = ps - qs
    return np.einsum('ij,ij->i', difference, difference) ** 0.5

Timing this:

1000 loops, best of 3: 1.7 msec per loop

Wow! At the expense of some readability, we’ve gained another factor of 2 in performance. Since the resulting line of code is significantly harder to read, and any errors in the np.einsum syntax are likely to be impenetrable, it is important to leave a comment explaining exactly what you are trying to do with this syntax when you use it. That way, if someone (yourself included) comes back to it in six months, they will have a better idea of what it does, and can double-check that it does indeed do this. And if there is a bug, you can check whether the bug is in the design (was the line trying to do the wrong thing) or in the implementation (was it trying to do the right thing, but the np.einsum syntax for that thing was implemented wrong).

np.einsum is best used sparingly, at the most performance-critical parts of your program. Used well, though, it can be a game-changer, since it can express many operations that would be difficult to express any other way without using explicit for loops.

Calculating Pi

A common example problem in numerical computing is the Monte Carlo computation of $\pi$. The way this works is as follows.

Consider the unit circle, centered on the origin. Now, imagine firing bullets at random locations in the square from the origin to the point (1, 1). The area of that square that overlaps with the circle is $\frac{\pi}{4}$, while the area of the square is 1. So the proportion of bullets that will land in the circle is $\frac{\pi}{4}$.

So, by generating a large number of random points in the unit square, and counting the number that lie within the unit circle, we can find an estimate for $\frac{\pi}{4}$, and by extension, $\pi$.

A diagram illustrating the description above.

A plain Python function that would achieve this might look as follows:

from random import random

def naive_pi(number_of_samples):
    within_circle_count = 0

    for _ in range(number_of_samples):
        x = random()
        y = random()

        if x ** 2 + y ** 2 < 1:
            within_circle_count += 1

    return within_circle_count / number_of_samples * 4

Time this for a million iterations. Check that it gives the correct result for $\pi$.

Try and convert this to Numpy. Think about how you can utilise whole-array operations. Time your result and see how it compares to the plain Python case. How much faster can you get?

You’ll want to use np.random.random for your random numbers. Take a look at the documentation for that function to see what arguments it takes that will be helpful for this problem.


Two possible solutions:

import numpy as np

def numpy_pi_1(number_of_samples):
    # Generate all of the random numbers at once to avoid loops
    samples = np.random.random(size=(number_of_samples, 2))

    # Use the same np.einsum trick that we used in the previous example
    # Since we are comparing with 1, we don't need the square root
    squared_distances = np.einsum('ij,ij->i', samples, samples)

    # Identify all instances of a distance below 1
    # "Sum" the true elements to count them
    within_circle_count = np.sum(squared_distances < 1)

    return within_circle_count / number_of_samples * 4

def numpy_pi_2(number_of_samples):
    within_circle_count = 0

    xs = np.random.random(size=number_of_samples)
    ys = np.random.random(size=number_of_samples)

    r_squareds = xs ** 2 + ys ** 2

    within_circle_count = np.sum(r_squareds < 1)

    return within_circle_count / number_of_samples * 4

While these are competitive with each other in performance, which is the fastest depends on various factors. As always, test your own specific workloads and hardware setup to see how solutions perform on them.

Multiple cores?

Many functions in Numpy will try to take advantage of multi-core parallelism in your machine. While this is better than ignoring parallelism completely, it isn’t perfect. In many cases there is no speedup from the parallel implementation; and many functions aren’t parallelised at all.

Something to beware is that if you try and take advantage of parallelism yourself via, for example, GNU Parallel, then Numpy might not be aware of this, and will try and use every CPU core you have available—for every copy of the program that is executing. While the parallelism may not have sped things up much, this will severely slow down all of your programs, since the processor is spending most of its time swapping between different threads rather than doing actual work.

If you do want multi-core parallelism out of your Numpy code, it’s better to do it more explicitly as we’ll explore in a later section.

To disable Numpy’s parallelism, you need to set the environment variable OMP_NUM_THREADS to 1 before launching your program.


Science is done by standing on the shoulders of giants. The majority of the work that we do is using techniques that are well-established, and algorithms that have been around for years if not decades. So, the majority of the time, we don’t want to write all of our software from scratch using the basic functions that Numpy provides, since getting the ideal performance from this would take considerable work. Instead, we would like to use an implementation that a group of talented developers have written and spent a lot of time optimising to run as fast as possible. This is what Scipy provides; built on top of Numpy, it interfaces with a wide range of C and Fortran libraries to provide a core of essential algorithms in scientific computing.

If Numpy was too large to explore in detail in this episode, then the same applies ten times as much for Scipy. The principle to operate on is before writing a function or other block of code, ask yourself if it’s something that others from multiple disciplines are likely to have needed to do. If so, then take yourself to your nearest internet search engine, and have a look to see if such a function exists in Scipy, or even elsewhere.

Modules that Scipy provides include:

It is worth noting that while Scipy provides a generally performant, very comprehensive baseline, it is not necessarily the absolute fastest software in every case. Due to the license it uses, it cannot incorporate all libraries that are available to you as Python programmers. For example, the routines scipy.fftpack are relatively slow for certain types of matrix; for this reason, the Fourier optics example used earlier this morning uses a drop-in compatible replacement that makes use of the FFTW (“Fastest Fourier Transform in the West”) library, which as the name suggests, is the fastest available.

Key Points

  • Numpy provides datastructures for arbitrary-dimensional arrays of homogeneous data

  • Whole-array operations are significantly faster than Python loops across arrays (or lists)

  • Scipy is very comprehensive; if you are doing something that someone has probable done before, then search to see if a library function exists before writing your own implementation, since it will probably be faster