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Continuous Integration


Teaching: 15 min
Exercises: 10 min
  • How can my tests run automatically?

  • Be able to set up a continuous integration pipeline to check a test suite on pushing to a code hosting platform.

So far, we have been running tests on a single machine by invoking pytest from the command line. Every time we make changes to the code we manually re-run the tests in order to check that our changes haven’t broken anything.

In a software project there might be many developers working on different parts of the code remotely, then pushing their changes (commits) to a centralised repository, such as one on GitHub. How can we make sure that tests are run whenever a new commit is received and that we are notified whenever a change breaks the code?

When running tests on your local machine you can be confident that the code is working in your environment, i.e. your operating system, version of Python, etc. How can we be sure that the code will work on a range of environments?

Continuous integration (or CI) is the practice that attempts to solve these problems. The idea is that every time a new commit is pushed a CI server sets up a clean environment, does a git clone of your code from the central repository, then attempts to build it and run any tests. This means that you can guarantee that for every commit you make, the software will build and run on a clean machine without manual intervention, and that the test suite passes—or at least, if it doesn’t, you’ll get warned about it, so you know to fix it.

There are many fantastic CI services, most of which offer at least some level of service free of charge. In this course we will use GitHub Actions, since it integrates well with GitHub.

Configuring the CI build

Central to GitHub Actions is the concept of a workflow. Each workflow defines a set of steps that GitHub will take, and tells GitHub when to take them. Workflows are stored in the .github/workflows/ directory; the . at the start of the filename means that the directory is hidden at the shell by default.

Workflows are defined in YAML files (short for “YAML Ain’t Markup Language”). A typical workflow might looks something like this:

name: Run tests

    branches: [ main ]
    branches: [ main ]


    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
        python-version: [3.7, 3.8, 3.9]

    - uses: actions/checkout@v3
    - name: Set up Python ${{ matrix.python-version }}
      uses: actions/setup-python@v4
        python-version: ${{ matrix.python-version }}
    - name: Install dependencies
      run: |
        python -m pip install --upgrade pip
        python -m pip install pytest
    - name: Test with pytest
      run: |

This is a decent chunk of content, so let’s break it down. At the highest level, there are three items: name, on, and jobs. name defines a name for the action, so if you have many actions you can identify which one has done what. on identifies when this action should run. In this case we run the action whenever there is a push to the main branch, or a pull request to it. Finally, we define one job, which is to build (and run) the software).

Default git branch naming

Traditionally the default branch in a git repository has been called “master”. Recently there have been an effort to change this (see, for example, this article) to a term that is not associated with slavery. GitHub has opted to now call its default branch main, but your version of git probably still defaults to master. The GitHub Actions template shown above expects a branch called main. You can solve this in several ways:

  1. Rename your master branch after you create the repository and make the first commit. This is the method recommended by GitHub.
    $ git branch -M main
  2. Before creating the repository, change the default branch name for all new repositories using git config
    $ git config --global init.defaultBranch main
  3. Keep the branch name as it is (or choose another name that you prefer) and change the branch name used by GitHub Actions. Then, change the branches: [ main ] line in the on section to the name of your branch.

The build job then defines what it needs: to run on the most recent version of Ubuntu, and to test three Python versions, each of which will run entirely separately. Then it lists the steps that it will perform: first it checks out the repository, then sets up the version of Python selected for this run, then install any dependencies necessary for the software to run, and finally run pytest.

Actions beyond tests

If this seems unnecessarily complicated to run some tests whenever we push to a repository, you’re not wrong. GitHub Actions is designed to be useful in a wide variety of cases beyond running a test suite—for example, it can also build packaged applications for release whenever a release is tagged, or even kick off a full analysis pipeline when new data are added to a repository.

You can also test on systems other than Linux, so if you don’t have a Windows or macOS machine available to test on, you can still verify that your software works on those platforms.

We’re only scratching the surface today of what GitHub actions can do. But even a very small subset of its features is enough to give us significant benefits!

Your first CI build

We’ll now walk through the process of running your first CI build. Before starting you’ll need to open a terminal by locating the Home Jupyter tab, clicking on the New dropdown button near the top right, then selecting Terminal from the list. For convenience, it might be preferable to split your screen so the terminal tab is next to this one. That way you can follow through the tutorial as you execute various commands.

First move into the grid directory. This has already been set up with a .github/workflows/pytest.yaml and a GitHub file.

$ cd grid

Edit so that both occurrences of USERNAME are replaced by your GitHub username.

Also edit to re-introduce the bug that you fixed earlier. (Replace h-1 with w on line 156.) Run pytest to check that the tests fail.

$ pytest

Now initialise a new git repository.

$ git init

Add all of the files in the directory and stage them for the commit.

$ git add .

Commit the files that you’ve staged in your local repository.

$ git commit -m "Initial commit."

Finally, rename the branch to main, to match the branch name we are checking for pushes to in our workflow.

$ git branch -M main

Go to your GitHub profile page and create a new repository called grid. (It’s important that you use this exact name!) To do so click on the Repositories tab, then the New button. Set the Repository template to “No template”, and leave the check boxes for “Add a README file”, “Add .gitignore”, and “Choose a license” unchecked.

Screen shot of the GitHub Create Repository screen with these options set

Back on the command line we can now add a URL for the new remote repository that you just created. Once again, replace USERNAME with your actual GitHub username.

$ git remote add origin

You can now push your commit to the remote repository.

$ git push origin main

Since we included a .github/workflows/pytest.yaml workflow to run on commit to the default branch, GitHub will automatically detect this and initiate a build. If you visit the GitHub page for the repository you will see a build status image on the main page.

Screen shot of the GitHub repository page showing the build status badge

Clicking on this will take you to the GitHub Actions page for the test workflow, where you can see the progress of the current build, as well as the details of any previous builds. You should see the status reported as failed. In addition, you might also receive an email notifying you of the error.

Screen shot of the workflow display showing the workflow status as failed

Don’t do this

It’s normally bad practice to push code that you know is broken. In this case we’re using it as an example to show how to go about fixing it in the correct way. In general, run your test suite before committing, and definitely before pushing, to avoid publishing the repository in a state where someone else can’t clone and start using it.

Creating an issue

Because we’ve noticed that the tests are failing, we can open an issue on GitHub to alert people to this. Click on the Issues tab followed by the New issue button. Give your issue whatever title you like, then hit submit. It’s good practice to give a minimal example that illustrates the problem. This helps the owner of the repository to reproduce the problem. You could also provide a new unit test if none of the current ones trigger the bug. In this case, we already have a good test that catches the error.

Screen shot of a recently created issue, with the title "Cells at top of grid have incorrect neighbour counts" and the text "There appears to be a bug with cells in the top row of a grid. For example, the following fails. Cell on top edge of 4x4 grid. c = Cell(2, 3, 4, 4) Should have 3 neighbours. assert c.neighbours() == 3"

Pushing a fix

Back in your local repository fix the bug that you introduced earlier and verify that the tests now pass. Having done this you can stage the file, then commit the change. For simplicity we’ll do this in a single step.

$ git commit -m "Fixed a bug affecting cells at the top of a grid. [closes #1]"

Now push the commit to GitHub.

$ git push

The commit will now appear on GitHub, and GitHub Actions will run another build using the updated version of the code. Once the build is complete you should hopefully see a green status badge on the repository homepage to indicate that it passed.

Screen shot of the repository page and README showing a badge indicating a successful build. Screen shot of the workflow page showing the most recent run succeeded.

Take another look at the Issues tab. You should see that the issue that you opened is now closed. This happened automatically because we included the phrase “closes #1” somewhere in our commit message. Here #1 is the issue number—in this case, indicating that it is the first issue that was opened.

Screen shot of the list of closed issues, showing the issue we created above as closed. Screen shot of the issue, showing it as closed in the commit c79844a.

Skipping a CI build

Sometimes you might commit changes that don’t affect the functionality of the code, e.g. comments, or changes to the file. In this case there is no need to run another CI build since none of the changes will affect the result of the tests. Since a build can be a time consuming process, and GitHub only gives us a certain number of free minutes of actions per month, it would be wasteful to run one if wasn’t absolutely necessary.

Thankfully there is a flag that can be added to commit messages in order to indicate that a CI build should be skipped, [ci skip].

Edit the file to include a new line saying “Testing is great!” (or whatever you prefer). Now commit your changes.

$ git commit -m "Updated the README. [ci skip]"

Finally push the changes to GitHub.

$ git push

If you go to the GitHub page for your grid repository you should find that there wasn’t a third CI build. On the GitHub page you can click on where it says “3 commits” to show the commit history. There should be a red cross (failed) next to the first commit, a green tick (passed) next to the second, and nothing (skipped) next to the third.

Screen shot of the commit history for the grid repository, showing the most recent commit does not have a GitHub Actions workflow run associated with it.

Other GitHub actions

GitHub has a whole catalogue of example workflows available that can do a wide variety of things. A few are suggested when you click the New Workflow button in the Actions tab, and more can be found at the starter-workflows repository. Some possibilities are to automatically push new releases to PyPI, and to automatically style check all code against a defined house style (for example, PEP 8).

Try it yourself

Switch now to the dice directory. Set up this directory to be a git repository, hosted on GitHub, and using GitHub actions for CI.

To do this:

  1. Create a new .github/workflows/ directory.
  2. Create a pytest.yaml file inside this directory. You can use the example shown above as the basis for it.
  3. Use git init, git add, and git commit to commit the relevant files to the repository.
  4. Create a new repository on GitHub. Use git remote add to connect your local repository to the one you’ve just made.
  5. Use git push to push your local repository up to GitHub.
  6. Check that the tests ran, and passed.

If you have time, try also adding the badge to your that indicates whether the most recent CI build succeeded or not.

Key Points

  • Create a metadata file specifying how to run your tests, and push your repository to a hosting service connected with a Continuous Integration provider such as GitHub Actions.