Documentation and automation
Teaching: 60 min
Exercises: 25 minQuestions
How do I tell other researchers how to use my code?
How can I make it easier for others (or me) to run my full analysis?
Be able to write a README documenting how to run a tool.
Be able to write a shell script to automate an analysis process.
Understand how to remove manual editing steps from processes.
Sharing your code and giving it a comprehensible structure is a great first and second
step, but without some guidance on how to run your code, then others will find it very
difficult to reproduce your steps. To you it might be obvious that you first run
and then
, but it likely won’t be
to anyone else.
Thus, we need to make sure to explain to others how to make use of the code that you have shared with them. There are two main ways to do this: descriptively, and programmatically.
Describing in English (or your preferred human language) how to use the software has the advantage that you can do it relatively quickly, from memory, and with little testing, since the “code” you are writing runs on a human brain, which can figure things out if they are unclear. The disadvantage is that you can’t do very much testing; you don’t know how someone else will interpret your instructions. Conversely doing things programmatically so that the complete analysis is fully automated takes more effort up front, but again makes it even easier to run your code.
To start with, let’s see what a descriptive README of the zipf
project might look
To reproduce the figures in the publication, follow these steps:
1. Create a `results` directory
2. Use `` to count the words in `frankenstein.txt`.
python bin/ > results/frankenstein.csv
3. Use `` to plot the resulting file.
python bin/
4. Save the plot as `results/frankenstein.pdf`.
5. Edit `bin/` and `bin/` to replace `frankenstein` with `dracula`.
6. Repeat the above instructions to generate `dracula.csv` and plot `dracula.pdf`.
Let’s commit this:
$ git add README
$ git commit -m 'add run instructions to README'
$ git push origin main
Once again, these instructions are substantially better than what we had before. Then, we would have had to pore over the code to work out what it did, and guess at what exactly was done. If you have time to write this but not to do more work to automate the analysis, then it is definitely work worth doing.
Does it work?
Try following the instructions in the README above. Do they work? If not, then try and identify what is causing the failure, and fix it. If you get stuck, ask a helper for support.
Avoid manually editing parameters
While having instructions is good, it would be good if we could remove at least some of the manual effort from this process.
The most obvious issue here is that it is rather laborious to have to edit a source file in order to change which analysis is done. This is very error-prone, and risks others getting different results to you and challenging your work (or worse, you making an error in your own work and needing to revise your results after publication). In this project you may end up with the wrong book name on a figure; in others the parameters may be numbers, so the error may become even more difficult to spot.
To avoid this, we would like our programs to take command-line arguments rather than
having parameters hard-coded. We saw in Software Carpentry one way of doing this,
by using sys.argv
. That works, but can be a little fragile. Instead, here we will
introduce the argparse
module from the Python standard library; this gives a way
of defining in more depth what arguments you want your program to accept.
This is slightly more verbose than using sys.argv
directly, but gives an improvement
in usability that makes it more than worthwhile.
Let’s start with
. To begin, we add argparse
to our imports at the top
of the file.
$ nano bin/
import argparse
Now, where we want to start doing work, we will create an ArgumentParser
, specify
what arguments we want it to accept, and then parse them out from our input.
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=(
"Count the occurrences of all words in a text "
"and write them to a CSV-file."
parser.add_argument('infile', type=argparse.FileType('r'),
nargs='?', default='-',
help='Input file name')
parser.add_argument('-n', '--num',
type=int, default=None,
help='Output only n most frequent words')
args = parser.parse_args()
Working through this line-by-line:
- We create an
, giving it a description of what our program does. - We add the
argument, which will give us a file. If no argument is specified, then the default value is used, which in this case means “read from standard input”. We also give it a description. - We add the
optional argument, which can also be referred to more briefly as-n
, will be interpreted as an integer, defaults toNone
, and has a help message. - We use all of this to interpret the command line that the program was run with.
Finally, we can use args.infile
instead of needing to use open()
, since argparse
handles the file opening by itself. We then use args.num
in place of the hard-coded 100.
word_counts = count_words(args.infile)
util.collection_to_csv(word_counts, num=args.num)
We can now check that the analysis described in the README still works, once the function names are adjusted.
$ python bin/ data/frankenstein.txt --num 100 > results/frankenstein.csv
$ python bin/ data/dracula.txt --num 100 > results/dracula.csv
Currently the README is no longer correct, since the program doesn’t automatically
look for frankenstein.txt
any more. So, let’s hold off committing it for now.
has a huge array of options, which is too detailed to go into here.Check out the argparse documentation to find out more.
is far from the only way to parse command-line arguments; there is a variety of packages available. One popular alternative is Click, which makes use of function “decorators” to define commands and arguments. If you see functions when reading others’ code that contain lines like@click.command()
above function definitions, then this code is making use of Click. You can read more about Click at the Click documentation.
Try it yourself
Get the
program to also useargparse
. Allow the user to specify thexlim
argument toscatter
in addition to theinfile
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Plot word counts") parser.add_argument('infile', type=argparse.FileType('r'), nargs='?', default='-', help='Word count csv file name') parser.add_argument('--xlim', type=float, nargs=2, metavar=('XMIN', 'XMAX'), default=None, help='X-axis limits') args = parser.parse_args() df = pd.read_csv(args.infile, header=None, names=('word', 'word_frequency')) df['rank'] = df['word_frequency'].rank(ascending=False, method='max') df['inverse_rank'] = 1 / df['rank'] ax = df.plot.scatter(x='word_frequency', y='inverse_rank', figsize=[12, 6], grid=True, xlim=args.xlim)
Avoid interactivity
The next biggest issue with this software is that you have to manually save the plot output. This is common in tools used interactively for data exploration, but once you’re publishing your analysis then it makes more sense to save to a file directly from the program.
This isn’t a huge change. In most cases, we can replace
. If we are generating multiple plots we will need to be more
careful, as savefig
doesn’t start a new plot in the way that show()
Looking at
, we can also avoid hardcoding the filename to write by
adding an extra argument to the ArgumentParser
parser.add_argument('--outfile', type=str,
help='Output image file name')
Note that now we don’t use the FileType
, since we don’t want argparse
to open
the file—Matplotlib does this for us, so we just need a filename.
Now, we replace the last line with
Since the program is ending anyway, we don’t need a plt.close()
Checking again that our code still works after this modification:
$ python bin/ results/frankenstein.csv --outfile results/frankenstein.pdf
$ python bin/ results/dracula.csv --outfile results/dracula.pdf
$ ls -l results
total 72
-rw-r--r-- 1 ed staff 963 6 Apr 16:45 dracula.csv
-rw-r--r-- 1 ed staff 13071 6 Apr 16:50 dracula.pdf
-rw-r--r-- 1 ed staff 948 6 Apr 16:45 frankenstein.csv
-rw-r--r-- 1 ed staff 12245 6 Apr 16:50 frankenstein.pdf
Your output will differ, but should show both PDF files modified in the last minute or so.
Avoid bare code
Frequently we define functions in Python files. In order to import these into other pieces of Python code, Python runs the entire file top-to-bottom.
The effect of this is that if there is any code not within a function (or other block
that would prevent it doing so), then it will automatically run when we import the
module. For example, in
, the word count would be run even if we didn’t
want it to be.
As such, you will frequently see guards of the form if __name__ == '__main__'
programs. This checks to see whether the Python file is being run directly as a program,
or imported into another file as a module. These aren’t always needed—in larger
programs many programmers will try to keep “tools” that can be run by the user entirely
separate from shared libraries that get imported. But in the kinds of code written for
research they are frequently useful.
Let’s update
def main(args):
"""Run the command line program."""
word_counts = count_words(args.infile)
util.collection_to_csv(word_counts, num=args.num)
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=(
"Count the occurrences of all words in a text "
"and write them to a CSV-file."
parser.add_argument('infile', type=argparse.FileType('r'),
nargs='?', default='-',
help='Input file name')
parser.add_argument('-n', '--num',
type=int, default=None,
help='Output only n most frequent words')
args = parser.parse_args()
Try it yourself
Adjust the
file to useif __name__ == '__main__'
guards.Check that it still works correctly afterwards.
Use a shell script
The final step (for this lesson at least) in documenting your analysis through automation is to write a shell script that will run all the steps needed in turn.
Now that we have adjusted the tools to not need direct interaction, this becomes relatively short:
$ nano bin/
mkdir -p results
for book in dracula frankenstein
python bin/ data/${book}.txt --num 100 > results/${book}.csv
python bin/ results/${book}.csv --outfile results/${book}.pdf
Now we can edit the README again:
To reproduce the figures in the publication, run the command:
bash bin/
Results will be placed in a `results/` directory.
Before we commit this, let’s check that it works!
$ bash bin/
$ ls -l results
total 72
-rw-r--r-- 1 ed staff 963 6 Apr 16:55 dracula.csv
-rw-r--r-- 1 ed staff 13071 6 Apr 16:55 dracula.pdf
-rw-r--r-- 1 ed staff 948 6 Apr 16:55 frankenstein.csv
-rw-r--r-- 1 ed staff 12245 6 Apr 16:55 frankenstein.pdf
Now both CSV and both PDF files should all be modified within the last minute or so.
As the README and the code are now consistent and working, we can commit this:
$ git add bin/ bin/ bin/ README.txt
$ git commit -m 'automate analysis'
$ git push origin main
Note that for the sake of simplicity today we have done this as a single pass, but we could just as well have done this in smaller steps. We could update one tool to be easier to run automatically, adjust the README to match, commit, push. Then move on to the next one, and so on, until we get to the point we have now reached.
Empty directories
We had a shell script here create the
directory. Sometimes it is convenient to provide an empty directory, rather than having to create it. Since Git only stores files, not directories, by convention this is done by placing a hidden file called.git_keep
into the directory and adding it to the repository.$ mkdir results $ touch results/.git_keep $ git add results/.git_keep $ git commit -m 'add an empty results directory' $ git push origin main
Truths about READMEs
Take a look at the following statements. Which do you think are true?
- If I write a good enough README, then I’ll never need any other documentation
- If I write a shell script that does my entire analysis, I don’t need a README
- If I don’t have a README, my repository is useless.
- A README should have instructions on using the software, and information on what it does.
- A README should be plain text only. Other documentation can have more formatting.
- False. While a good README may be enough documentation for a very small project, more frequently you will benefit from other types of documentation; for example, comments in your code, and more detailed descriptions for more technical aspects.
- False. Even if a shell script completely reproduces your outputs, you should have a README to point the user at the right script to run, and to describe what to expect.
- False. Having your code in version control and shareable is a good step! But without a README, it’s likely that others will find your code hard to use or understand. (As will you if you return to it after a few months or years!)
- True. Normally the ordering is reversed, though, with the description of the purpose of the code coming before the details on using it.
- False. Historically READMEs were plain text files, but now they take a variety of formats; many will use Markdown, which allows headings, bold, italic, images, etc.
it betterA more powerful alternative to using shell scripts to document and automate your analysis process is to use a workflow management tool. A simple one of these that is frequently used in software development is called Make; Software Carpentry has a lesson on getting started with Make.
More powerful again are tools like Snakemake and Nextflow, which are used for very intricate scientific analyses with very many steps.
We don’t have time to look into these tools in more detail in this lesson, but if you find that your shell scripts are getting too long or intricate, then it it might be worth your time to look into using one of these tools.
Removing hardcoded data
Take a look at the
file in thechallenge
repository. Currently this will generate the files needed
, but must be edited to
to run correctly.Adapt
to allow this parameter to instead be set by a command-line argument.Solution
There are a few ways to do this. One is to use some
s:parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('order', type=int, help="Order of the polynomial") parser.add_argument('outfile', type=str, help="Where to put the output file") args = parser.parse_args() if args.order == 3: def polynomial(x): return x ** 3 - 1 def derivative(x): return 3 * x ** 2 elif args.order == 5: def polynomial(x): return x ** 5 - 1 def derivative(x): return 5 * x ** 4 elif args.order == 6: def polynomial(x): return x ** 6 - 1 def derivative(x): return 6 * x ** 5 else: raise ValueError(f"I don't know how to handle order {order}.")
This is quite verbose, and repeats itself. If they are familiar to you, you might want to use some more advanced features of Python to reduce the amount of repetition. For example, using dictionaries and lambdas:
polynomials = { 3: lambda x : x ** 3 - 1, 5: lambda x : x ** 5 - 1, 6: lambda x : x ** 6 - 1 } derivatives = { 3: lambda x : 3 * x ** 2, 5: lambda x : 5 * x ** 4, 6: lambda x : 6 * x ** 5 } results = angle( newton(polynomials[args.order], derivatives[args.order], initial_z, 20) )
Or using
:from functools import partial def polynomial(x, order): return x ** order - 1 def derivative(x, order): if order == 0: return 0 else: return order * x ** (order - 1) results = angle( newton(partial(polynomial, order=args.order), partial(derivative, order=args.order), initial_z, 20) )
Now, adapt the instructions in the README into a shell script to allow the analysis to be run automatically.
mkdir -p results python bin/calc_fractal 3 results/data.dat python bin/ python bin/calc_fractal 5 results/data.dat python bin/ python bin/calc_fractal 6 results/data.dat python bin/ python bin/
What other change would be needed to allow this analysis to be run unattended?
Currently the images are shown on the screen; the user must save and close each image. It would be better to use
to save the figure to disk, instead.
Key Points
Use a README or similar file to explain the essential steps of running your analysis.
Use shell script or similar to automate the steps you would take to perform your analysis.
Use command-line arguments or other parameters instead of having to manually edit lines of code.